I've had a lifelong struggle with dry lips which gave me the passion for lip care. One fateful evening, while pondering my obsession, I had a eureka moment – the idea to create my own lip balm company.
Moments later, my mother called me and I briefly shared with her my new idea and she didn't seem nearly as excited as I was. To my surprise, the following morning, my mother called again and recounted a vivid dream she'd had. In her dream, I said something unkind to my sister, prompting our mother to make me repeatedly write the phrase "The law of kindness is on my lips." As I wrote, the words "Kind" and "Lips" seemed to leap off the page. It was in that moment that I realized the significance of her dream.
Motivated by my mother's dream and the belief that each tube of lip balm could serve as a reminder to speak kind words; Kind Lips was born. My journey to create a lip balm that not only nourished and protected lips but also would have a positive impact on culture. With every application, Kind Lips is meant to serve as a reminder of the power of kind words.
-Joshua Neumann (Founder)